版本生效日期:2017年04月Effective as of: April 2017提示条款(Reminders) 淘宝提示您:在运用淘宝平台各项效劳前,请您务必认真阅读并透彻了解本《法律声明及隐私权政策》(下称“本声明”)。
如对本声明内容有任何疑问,您可经过淘宝客服(https://taobao.com/about/contact.php)或淘宝网效劳中心(https://consumerservice.taobao.com)与我们联络。阅读本声明的过程中,假如您不同意本声明或其中任何内容,您应立刻中止运用淘宝平台效劳。假如您运用淘宝平台效劳的,您的运用行为将被视为对本声明全部内容的认可。Taobao reminds you that: Before you use the services of Taobao Platform, be sure to carefully read and thoroughly understand this Legal Statement and Privacy Right Policy (hereinafter the “Statement”). If you have any doubt about this Statement, you may contact us through Taobao customer service (https://taobao.com/about/contact.php) or Taobao.com service center (https://consumerservice.taobao.com). If you do not agree to this Statement or any contents hereof after you read it, you shall stop using the services of Taobao Platform immediately. Your use of the services of Taobao Platform in any way will be deemed as your acceptance of all contents of this Statement. 定义(Definitions)淘宝平台:指包括淘宝网(域名为 taobao.com)、天猫(域名为tmall.com)、一淘网(域名为etao.com)、聚划算(域名为ju.tmall.com、ju.taobao.com)、闲鱼(域名为2.taobao.com)、飞猪(域名为fliggy.com、alitrip.com、feizhu.com)、阿里妈妈(域名为alimama.com)等网站及客户端。 淘宝:淘宝平台运营者的单称或合称,包括淘宝网、一淘网、闲鱼的运营者浙江淘宝网络有限公司,天猫、聚划算的运营者浙江天猫网络有限公司,飞猪的运营者杭州淘美航空效劳有限公司,阿里妈妈的运营者杭州阿里科技有限公司等。 阿里平台:指包括淘宝平台、阿里巴巴中文站(域名为1688.com)、阿里巴巴国际站(域名为alibaba.com)、天猫国际(域名为tmall.hk)、飞猪国际(域名为alitrip.hk、fliggy.hk)、阿里云(域名为aliyun.com)、速卖通(域名为aliexpress.com)、虾米(域名为xiami.com)、云OS(域名为yunos.com)、点点虫(域名为ddchong.com)、菜鸟(域名为cainiao.com)、神马搜索(域名为sm.cn)、良知大药房网(maiyao.liangxinyao.com)等网站及客户端。 关联公司:指阿里平台的运营者及其他与淘宝存在关联关系的公司的单称或合称。Taobao Platform: refers to taobao.com, tmall.com, etao.com, ju.tmall.com, ju.taobao.com, 2.taobao.com, fliggy.com, alitrip.com, feizhu.com, alimama.com and other websites and their clients. Taobao: refers to, inpidual or collectively, operators of Taobao Platform, including without limiting to Zhejiang Taobao Network Limited, the operator of taobao.com, etao.com and 2.taobao.com, Zhejiang Tmall Network Co., Ltd., the operator of tmall.com, ju.tmall.com and ju.taobao.com, Hangzhou Taomei Aviation Services Co., Ltd., the operator of fliggy.com, alitrip.com and feizhu.com, and Hangzhou Ali Technology Co., Ltd., the operator of alimama.com. Ali Platform: refers to Taobao Platform, 1688.com, alibaba.com, tmall.hk, alitrip.hk, fliggy.hk, aliyun.com, aliexpress.com, xiami.com, yunos.com, ddchong.com, cainiao.com, sm.cn, maiyao.liangxinyao.com and other websites and their clients. Affiliate: refers to, inpidually or collectively, operators of Ali Platform and other companies associated with Taobao. 法律声明(Legal Statement) 权益归属(Ownership of Rights) 除非淘宝另行声明,淘宝平台内的一切产品、技术、软件、程序、数据及其他信息(包括但不限于文字、图像、图片、照片、音频、视频、图表、颜色、版面设计、电子文档)的一切权益(包括但不限于版权、商标权、专利权、商业机密及其他一切相关权益)均归淘宝或其关联公司一切。未经淘宝答应,任何人不得擅自运用(包括但不限于经过任何机器人、蜘蛛等程序或设备监视、复制、传播、展现、镜像、上载、下载)淘宝平台内的任何内容。淘宝平台的Logo、“淘宝”、“Taobao”等文字、图形及其组合,以及淘宝平台的其他标识、徽记、产品和效劳称号均为淘宝及其关联公司在中国和其它国度的商标,未经淘宝书面受权,任何人不得以任何方式展现、运用或作其他处置,也不得向别人标明您有权展现、运用或作其他处置。Unless otherwise stated by Taobao, all rights (including but not limited to copyright, trademark right, patent right, trade secret and any other related rights) in, of and to all products, technologies, software, programs, data and other information (including but not limited to texts, images, pictures, photos, audios, videos, charts, colors, layout and electronic file) within Taobao Platform are vested in Taobao or its Affiliates. Without the consent of Taobao, it is not permitted to use (including but not limited to monitor, reproduce, distribute, display, mirror, upload and download via web robots, web spiders or other software or equipment) the said information.Logo of Taobao Platform, “淘宝”, “Taobao”, other texts, graphics and combination thereof as well as other marks, symbols, product names and service names within Taobao Platform are all trademarks of Taobao and its Affiliates in China and other countries. Without the written authorization of Taobao, no one may display, use or otherwise process any of the said trademarks in any way or indicate to others that he/she/it has the right to display, use or otherwise process any of the said trademarks. 义务限制(Limitation on Liability) 鉴于淘宝平台提供的效劳属于电子公告牌(BBS)性质,淘宝平台上的店铺、商品信息(包括但不限于店铺称号、公司称号、 联络人及联络信息、产品的描绘和阐明、相关图片、视频等)均由会员自行提供并上传,由会员对其提供并上传的一切信息承当相应法律义务。 淘宝平台转载作品(包括论坛内容)出于传送更多信息之目的,并不意味淘宝赞同其观念或曾经证明其内容的真实性。Whereas the services provided by Taobao Platform are of the nature of bulletin board system (BBS), all information on shops and commodities on Taobao Platform (including but not limited to names of shops, names of companies, liaisons and contact information, product description and specification, pictures and videos) are provided and uploaded by members, who shall assume corresponding legal responsibility for the said information. Taobao Platform posts works (including contents on forums) for the purpose of distributing information, which does not mean that Taobao agrees with the viewpoints in the works or has confirmed the authenticity of the contents of the works. 学问产权维护(Protection of Intellectual Property Rights) 淘宝尊重学问产权,反对侵权盗版行为。学问产权权益人以为淘宝平台内容(包括但不限于淘宝平台会员发布的商品信息)可能涉嫌进犯其合法权益,能够经过淘宝学问产权维护平台(qinquan.taobao.com)提出书面通知,淘宝收到后将及时处置。Taobao respects intellectual property rights and opposes any act of infringement or pirating. If a holder of intellectual property rights believes that any content on Taobao Platform (including but not limited to commodity information published by any member of Taobao Platform) may infringe any of his/her/its legitimate rights and interests, he/she/it may send a written notice through Taobao’s intellectual property rights protection platform (qinquan.taobao.com). After receiving the notice, Taobao will deal with such issue in time. 隐私权政策(Privacy Right Policy) 淘宝(下称“我们”)尊重并维护用户隐私,在您运用淘宝平台提供的效劳时,我们将依照本隐私权政策搜集、运用及共享您的个人信息。本隐私权政策包含了我们搜集、存储、运用、共享和维护您的个人信息的条款,我们希望经过本隐私权政策向您明晰地引见我们对您个人信息的处置方式,因而我们倡议您完好地阅读本隐私权政策,以协助您理解维护本人隐私权的方式。假如您不同意本隐私权政策任何内容,您应立刻中止运用淘宝平台效劳。当您运用淘宝平台提供的任一效劳时,即表示您已同意我们依照本隐私权政策来合法运用和维护您的个人信息。Taobao (hereinafter referred to as “we”) respects and protects the privacy of the users. When you use the services of Taobao Platform, we will collect, use and share your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Right Policy. This Privacy Right Policy contains terms and conditions on how we collect, store, use, share and protect your personal information. Through this Privacy Right Policy, we wish to clearly introduce to you how we deal with your personal information. Therefore, we advise you to read this Privacy Right Policy completely to understand the means of protecting your privacy right.If you do not agree to any contents of this Privacy Right Policy, you shall stop using the services of Taobao Platform immediately. Your use of the services provided by Taobao Platform in any way will be deemed as your agreement that we may legally use and protect your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Right Policy. 适用范围(Scope of Application)为用户提供更好、更优、更个性化的效劳是淘宝持之以恒的追求,也希望经过我们提供的效劳能够更便当您的生活。本隐私权政策适用于淘宝平台提供的一切效劳,您访问淘宝平台及未设独立隐私权政策的关联公司网站及/或登陆相关客户端运用淘宝平台提供的效劳,均适用本隐私权政策。需求特别阐明的是,本隐私权政策不适用于其他第三方向您提供的效劳,例如淘宝上的卖家依托淘宝平台向您提供效劳时,您向卖家提供的个人信息不适用于本隐私权政策。To provide the users with better, higher-quality, more personalized services is our persistent pursuit. We also wish to provide more conveniences to your life through our services. This Privacy Right Policy is applicable to all services provided by Taobao Platform. When you visit Taobao Platform and any website of any Affiliate without an independent privacy right policy and/or log in any client concerned to use the services of Taobao Platform, this Privacy Right Policy will apply.Please note in particular that this Privacy Right Policy is not applicable to any services provided to you by any third party. For example, when any seller on Taobao provides services to you through Taobao Platform, any information provided by you to the seller is not subject to this Privacy Right Policy. 我们搜集哪些信息(What Information We Collect)为了向您提供更好、更优、更个性化的效劳,我们将依据您运用的效劳搜集您的如下信息:1.您向我们提供的信息当您在淘宝平台创立账户时,您必需至少向我们提供会员名、电话号码及/或电子邮箱等信息,并创立密码。您在运用淘宝平台时,需求依据效劳的内容,选择填写及/或提交效劳所必需的信息,可能包括您的姓名、性别、出生年月日、身份证号码、护照姓、护照名、护照号码、电话号码、电子邮箱、地址、支付宝账号及相关附加信息(如您所在的省份和城市、邮政编码等)。假如您不运用某些效劳,则无需提供相关信息。我们还会记载您在运用我们效劳时提供的信息。例如您在淘宝发布的信息、搜索关键词信息、与淘宝客服联络时您提供的相关信息、您参与问卷调查时向我们发送的问卷回答信息等。2.在您运用效劳过程中搜集的信息我们会依据您授予的权限,接纳并记载您所运用的设备相关信息,这些设备信息包括:设备属性信息(如设备型号、操作系统版本、设备设置、独一设备标识符等软硬件特征信息)、设备位置信息(如经过GPS、蓝牙或WIFI信号取得的位置信息)、设备衔接信息(IP地址、阅读器的类型、电信运营商、运用的言语、访问日期和时间及您需求的网页记载等)。关于从您的各种设备上搜集到的信息,我们可能会将它们停止关联,以便我们能在这些设备上为您提供分歧的效劳。此外,为进步您运用淘宝平台提供的效劳的平安性,更精确地预防钓鱼网站狡诈和木马病毒,我们可能依据您的受权,经过理解一些您的网络运用习气、您常用的软件信息等手腕来判别您账户的风险,并可能会记载一些我们以为有风险的URL。3.来自第三方的信息当您与运用我们效劳的关联公司、淘宝协作同伴之间互动时,为共同向您提供效劳及改良效劳质量的合理需求,我们将从关联公司、协作同伴处接纳关于您的体验或您与其互动的信息。为预防狡诈和确保平安,淘宝的关联公司、协作同伴会根据适用的法律法规或征得您同意的前提下,向我们分享您的信息。In order to provide you with better, higher-quality and more personalized services, we will collect the following information from the services used by you:1. Information provided by you to usWhen you create an account on Taobao Platform, you must at least provide us with the member name, phone number and/or email address and other information, and set the password.When you use Taobao Platform, you need to choose to fill out and/or submit the information required for the services according to the content of the services, which may include your name, sex, date of birth, ID number, surname and given name on your passport, passport number, telephone number, email, address, Alipay account number and additional information (such as the province and city you are in, postal code, etc.). If you do not use certain services, you are not required to provide relevant information.We will also record the information provided by you when you use our services, including the information published by you on Taobao, information of search keywords, relevant information provided by you during your communication with Taobao customer service, and information of answers sent to us regarding any questionnaire, etc.2. Information collected by us when you use the servicesWith the authorization granted by you, we will receive and record relevant information of the devices used by you, including:Properties of devices (e.g., device model, operating system version, device configuration, unique device identifier and other software and hardware features), location of devices (e.g., the device location obtained via GPS, Bluetooth or WiFi), device connection information (IP address, type of browser, telecommunication service provider, language, date and time of visit, and record of websites of your interest, etc.).Regarding the information collected from your various devices, we may integrate them so as to provide you with consistent services on these devices.In addition, in order to improve safety when you use the services of Taobao Platform and prevent fraud by any phishing website and Trojan virus more accurately, with your authorization, we may judge the risk of your account by knowing your Internet use habit and information of software commonly used by you and other means, and may record some URLs which we deem as risky.3. Information from any third partyWhen you interact with the Affiliates and partners of Taobao that use our services, we will receive information about your experience or your interactions with them from such Affiliates and partners that is reasonably necessary for the purpose of jointly providing you with services and improving service quality.To prevent fraud and ensure security, the Affiliates and partners of Taobao will share your personal information with us pursuant to applicable laws or subject to your consent. 我们如何运用搜集到的信息(How We Use the Collected Information)搜集您的信息是为了向您提供效劳及提升效劳质量,为了完成这一目的,我们会把您的信息用于下列用处:1.向您提供您运用的各项效劳,并维护、改良这些效劳。2.向您引荐您可能感兴味的内容,包括但不限于向您发出产品和效劳信息,或经过系统向您展现个性化的第三方推行信息,或者在征得您同意的状况下与淘宝的协作同伴共享信息以便他们向您发送有关其产品和效劳的信息。如您不希望接纳上述信息,可经过相应的退订功用停止退订。3.我们可能运用您的个人信息以预防、发现、调查狡诈、危害平安、非法或违背与我们或其关联方协议、政策或规则的行为,以维护您、我们的其他用户、我们或我们关联方的合法权益。4.我们可能会未来自某项效劳的信息与来自其他效劳的信息分离起来,以便为您提供效劳、个性化内容和倡议。5.经您答应的其他用处。We collect your information for the purpose of providing you with services and improving the service quality. Therefore, we will use your information for the following purposes:1. Provide you with various services you are using, and maintain and improve these services;2. Recommend to you any contents which you may be interested in, including but not limited to send product and service information to you, or display personalized third-party promotional information to you through the system, or, subject to your consent, share information with the partners of Taobao so that they may send information about their products and services to you. If you would like to stop receiving these information, you may unsubscribe by using the relevant unsubscription function;3. We may use your personal information to prevent, identify and investigate into fraud, any act endangering security, illegal activity, or any other act which violates any agreement, policy or rule with or of us or any of our Affiliates so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of you, any of our other users, us or any of our Affiliates;4. We may combine your personal information obtained from a kind of service with information from any other kind of service so as to provide you with services, personalized content and advice;5. Any other purpose as permitted by you. 您如何管理本人的信息(How to Manage Your Own Information)我们提供了便利的办法,让您能够查询、更正及删除本人的账户信息等运用我们效劳时您提供的个人信息。例如您能够登录“我的淘宝”、淘宝网效劳中心等查询、修正本人的个人材料、隐私设置、平安设置,删除您的收货地址、买卖订单等信息或注销您的淘宝账户。假如您以为淘宝存在违背法律、行政法规的规则或者与您的商定搜集、运用您个人信息的,您能够经过淘宝客服与我们获得联络。We provide you with convenient ways to check, change and delete your account information and other personal information provided by you when using our services. For example, you may log in to “My Taobao” and Taobao.com service center to check and change your personal data, privacy settings, security settings, and delete your delivery address, transaction order and other information or delete your Taobao account.If you believe that Taobao collects and uses your personal information in violation of laws, administrative regulations or the agreement with you, you may contact Taobao customer service. 您共享的信息(Information Shared by You)您能够经过我们的效劳树立联络和互相分享。当您经过我们的效劳创立交流、买卖或分享时,您能够自主选择沟通、买卖或分享的对象,作为可以看到您的买卖内容、联络方式、交流信息或分享内容等相关信息的第三方。在运用淘宝平台效劳停止网上买卖时,您不可防止的要向买卖对方或潜在的买卖对方披露本人的个人信息,如联络方式或者邮政地址。请您妥善维护本人的个人信息,仅在必要的情形下向别人提供。如您发现本人的个人信息泄密,特别是您的账户或密码发作泄露,请您立刻联络淘宝客服,以便淘宝采取相应措施。公开信息是指您公开分享的任何信息。任何人都能够在运用和未运用淘宝 期间查看或访问这些信息。例如当您在淘宝平台停止买卖,不选择“匿名购置”和/或“匿名评价”功用时,意味着您将公开分享您的成交价、成交信息及评价详情等数据。为运用淘宝效劳,可能存在您必需公开分享的信息。例如为构建诚信买卖环境,您的信誉评价信息(心、钻石、皇冠)需求被公开分享。若您是卖家,您应当依据适用的法律法规和淘宝规则的请求,公开分享企业称号等相关工商注册信息或者自然人运营者的信息。请留意,您在运用我们效劳时自愿共享的信息,可能会触及您或别人的个人信息以至个人敏感信息,如您在评价时选择上传包含个人信息的图片。请您愈加慎重地思索,能否在运用我们的效劳时共享以至公开分享相关信息。You may build connections and realize mutual sharing through our services. When you initiate communications, transactions or sharing through our services, you may choose at your own discretion the targets to communicate, deal and share with to become the third parties who will be able to view your transactions, contacts, communication information, contents shared or other relevant information.When you conduct online transactions through the services of Taobao Platform, it is inevitable that you need to disclose your personal information to the counterparty or potential counterparty, such as contacts or postal address. Please properly protect your personal information and provide it to others only when necessary. If you find that your personal information, especially your account or password, is pulged, please immediately contact Taobao customer service so that Taobao may take corresponding measures.Public information means any information shared by you in public. Anyone may view or access such information when he/she is using or not using Taobao. For example, if you do not choose “Anonymous Purchase” and/or “Anonymous Comment” when conducting transactions on Taobao Platform, you will share your transaction price, transaction information, comment details and other data in public.To use Taobao services, you may be required to share certain information in public. For example, in order to create an honest transaction environment, your credit rating information (hearts, diamonds and crowns) will be displayed in public. If you are a seller, you should share your corporate name and other relevant information about registration with the administration for industry and commerce or the information on inpidual business operator in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and Taobao rules.Please note that the information voluntarily shared by you when using our services may involve the personal information and even sensitive personal information of you or others, e.g., photos containing personal information uploaded by you when making comments. Please consider more prudently before sharing and even making public relevant information when using our services. 我们如何共享信息(How We Share Information)我们对您的信息承当失密义务,不会出于第三方的营销目的而向其出卖或提供您的任何信息,除下列情形外,我们不会与任何其他第三方共享您的个人信息:1.事前取得受权。取得您的受权后,我们会与其他公司、组织和个人分享您的个人信息。只要您明白同意,我们才会共享您的身份证号、护照号、银行卡号、个人安康信息等个人敏感信息。2.向淘宝的关联公司分享您的个人信息。我们只会共享必要的个人信息,且受本隐私政策中所声明目的的约束。3.出于法律缘由。为恪守适用的法律法规、诉讼目的或者行政机关、司法机构依法提出的请求,我们可能有必要披露您的个人信息。假如我们肯定您呈现违背适用的法律法规或淘宝规则或相关协议的状况,或为维护淘宝及其关联公司或用户或公众的权益、财富或平安免遭损伤,我们也可能披露关于您的信息,包括相关违规行为以及淘宝已对您采取的措施。4.用于外部处置。为完成本隐私权政策中声明的目的,我们可能让可信任的协作同伴作为数据处置者,依据我们的指示并遵照我们的隐私权政策以及其他任何相应的失密和平安措施来为我们处置您的个人信息。5.辅佐处理争议。某些状况下只要共享您的信息,才干处置您与别人的纠葛或争议。例如您是适格的学问产权投诉人并已提起投诉,我们可能应被投诉人请求,向被投诉人披露,以便双方处置可能的权益纠葛;您在淘宝上创立的某一买卖中,如买卖任何一方实行或局部实行了买卖义务并提出信息披露恳求的,淘宝会视状况向该用户提供其买卖对方的联络方式等必要信息,以促成纠葛的处理。We are obliged to keep your personal information confidential and will not sell or provide any of your personal information to any third party for the purpose of marketing by such third party. We will not share your personal information with any other third party unless:1. With your prior authorization. Subject to your authorization, we will share your personal information with other companies, organizations and inpiduals. Unless with your express consent, we will not share your ID number, passport number, bank card number, personal health information or other sensitive personal information;2. Sharing your personal information with Taobao’s Affiliates. We will share personal information to the extent necessary and for the purposes stated in this Privacy Right Policy only;3. As required by laws. We may be required to disclose your personal information in order to comply with applicable laws, regulations or requirements made by the administrative or judicial bodies in accordance with laws or for the purpose of litigation. If we determine that you have violated applicable laws, regulations, Taobao rules or relevant agreements, or we intend to protect Taobao, its Affiliates or users or the general public from damages to their rights, properties or safety, we may also disclose your information, including the relevant violation and measures taken by Taobao against you;4. For external processing. To achieve the purposes stated in this Privacy Right Policy, we may engage reliable partners as data processors to process your personal information for us based on our instructions and in compliance with this Privacy Right Policy and any other corresponding confidentiality and security measures;5. For assisting with dispute resolution. In certain circumstances, only through sharing your information can we settle your dispute or controversy with others. For example, if you are a qualified claimant of intellectual property rights who has filed a claim, we may disclose your personal information to the respondent at his/her/its request so as to solve the potential dispute between the parties, and with respect to a transaction initiated by you in Taobao, if either party to the transaction performs all or part of his/her/its obligations and requires disclosure of information, Taobao will provide the party with the contact information of the counterparty and other necessary information depending on the circumstance so as to facilitate resolution of dispute. Cookie和相似技术的运用(Use of Cookie and Similar Technologies)为使您取得更轻松的访问体验,您访问淘宝平台相关网站或运用淘宝平台提供的效劳时,我们可能会经过采用各种技术搜集和存储相关信息,包括运用小型数据文件辨认您的身份,这么做是为理解您的运用习气,帮您省去反复输入注册信息的步骤,或者协助判别您的账户平安。这些数据文件可能是Cookie、Flash Cookie,或您的阅读器或关联应用程序提供的其他本地存储(统称“Cookie”)。请您了解,我们的某些效劳只能经过运用Cookie才可得到完成。假如您的阅读器或阅读器附加效劳允许,您能够修正对Cookie的承受水平或者回绝淘宝的Cookie,但回绝淘宝的Cookie在某些状况下可能会影响您平安访问淘宝平台相关网站和运用淘宝平台提供的效劳。网页上常会包含一些电子图像,称为“单像素 GIF 文件”或“网络 beacon”,它能够协助网站计算阅读网页的用户或访问某些cookie。我们会经过网络beacon搜集您阅读网页活动信息,例如您访问的页面地址、您先前访问的征引页面的位址、您停留在页面的时间、您的阅读环境以及显现设定等。To provide you with better user experience, when you visit relevant websites of Taobao Platform or use the services provided by Taobao Platform, we may collect and store relevant information by employing various technologies, including verifying your identity through small data files. In this way, we will be able to understand your habits and help you avoid repeated input of registration information or assess the security of your account. These data files may be Cookie, Flash Cookie or other local storage provided by your browser or affiliated applications (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Cookie”).Please understand that some of our services are only available through use of “Cookie”. If permitted by your browser or additional browser services, you may amend your acceptance level to Cookie or reject Cookie of Taobao, but such rejection may affect your visit of related websites of Taobao Platform or use of the services of Taobao Platform under certain circumstances.There are often some electronic images (“Single Pixel GIF” or “Web Beacon") on web pages. Web Beacon may help a website to calculate the number of users who browse the web pages or access certain cookies. We will use Web Beacon to collect information on your browsing of web pages, such as the web page address you are visiting, the reference page address you previously visited, the duration of your stay on a web page, your browsing environment and display settings. 我们如何存留信息(How We Store Information)淘宝搜集的有关您的信息和材料将保管在淘宝及(或)其关联公司的效劳器上,这些信息和材料可能传送至您所在国度、地域或淘宝搜集信息和材料所在地并在该地被访问、存储和展现。我们将在完成本隐私政策中所述目的所必需的期间内保存你的个人信息,除非法律请求或允许在更长的期间内保存这些信息。Your personal information and data collected by Taobao will be stored in the servers of Taobao and/or its Affiliates, which may be transmitted to the country or region where you are located or the place where Taobao collects such information and data, and be accessed, stored and displayed at such place.We will retain your personal information for a period necessary for achieving the purposes stated in this Privacy Right Policy, unless it is required or allowed by laws to retain such information for a longer period. 您的个人信息维护(Protection of Your Personal Information)淘宝十分注重您的个人信息平安。我们努力采取各种合理的物理、电子和管理方面的平安措施来维护您的个人信息,并尽最大合理努力使您的个人信息不会被走漏、毁损或者丧失,包括但不限于SSL、信息加密存储、数据中心的访问控制。我们对可能接触到您个人信息的员工或外包人员也采取了严厉管理,包括但不限于采取信息访问权限控制、与接触个人信息的人员签署失密协议、监控该等人员的操作状况等措施。淘宝账户信息(包括账号名及密码信息)为十分重要的个人信息,请您妥善设置、保管您的淘宝账号名及密码信息。淘宝将经过备份、对密码停止加密等平安措施以维护您的账户信息等个人信息不丧失、不被滥用和变造。虽然有前述平安措施,但同时也请您了解在信息网络上不存在“完善的平安措施”。请留意,单独的设备信息、搜索关键词信息等是无法与任何特定个人直接树立联络的数据,不属于个人信息。假如我们将这类非个人信息与其他信息分离用于辨认自然人个人身份,或者将其与个人信息分离运用,则在分离运用期间,此类非个人信息将被视为个人信息。Taobao attaches great importance to the security of your personal information. We will take a variety of physical, electronic and management measures that are reasonable to protect your personal information, and make our best reasonable efforts to prevent your personal information from being pulged, damaged or lost, including but not limited to SSL, encrypted information storage and access control for the data center. We also strictly manage the employees or contractors who may have access to your personal information, including but not limited to information access control, execution of confidentiality agreements with them, and monitoring of their operation.Taobao account information (including account name and password) are very important personal information. Please properly set and keep your Taobao account name and password. Taobao will take security measures such as backup and encryption of passwords to guarantee that your account information and other personal information will not be lost, misused or altered. Notwithstanding the said security measures, you are reminded that there are no “perfect security measures” in the information network.Please note that certain information such as information of devices only and information of search keywords are data that cannot be directly associated with any particular inpidual, and thus does not fall into personal information. If we combine such non-personal information with other information for the purpose of identifying inpiduals or use it in combination with personal information, then, such non-personal information shall be deemed as personal information during the period of such combined use. 未成年人维护(Protection of Minors)我们注重未成年人的个人信息维护,如您为未成年人,倡议您请您的监护人认真阅读本隐私权政策,并在征得您的监护人同意的前提下运用我们的效劳或向我们提供信息。We attach importance to the protection of personal information of minors. If you are a minor, we suggest that you ask your guardian to read this Privacy Right Policy carefully, and you may use our services and/or provide us with information subject to the consent of your guardian. 本政策的修订(Amendment to This Privacy Right Policy)我们可不定期修正本《法律声明及隐私权政策》,变卦后的《法律声明及隐私权政策》将在修订生效前经过淘宝平台公告或以其他恰当方式通知您。该等状况下,若您继续运用我们的效劳,即表示同意受经修订的《法律声明及隐私权政策》的约束。We may amend this Legal Statement and Privacy Right Policy from time to time and will publish the amended Legal Statement and Privacy Right Policy on Taobao Platform or otherwise notify you before such amendment takes effect. In such case, if you continue to use our services, it shall be deemed that you have agreed to be bound by the amended Legal Statement and Privacy Right Policy.
如对本声明内容有任何疑问,您可经过淘宝客服(https://taobao.com/about/contact.php)或淘宝网效劳中心(https://consumerservice.taobao.com)与我们联络。阅读本声明的过程中,假如您不同意本声明或其中任何内容,您应立刻中止运用淘宝平台效劳。假如您运用淘宝平台效劳的,您的运用行为将被视为对本声明全部内容的认可。Taobao reminds you that: Before you use the services of Taobao Platform, be sure to carefully read and thoroughly understand this Legal Statement and Privacy Right Policy (hereinafter the “Statement”). If you have any doubt about this Statement, you may contact us through Taobao customer service (https://taobao.com/about/contact.php) or Taobao.com service center (https://consumerservice.taobao.com). If you do not agree to this Statement or any contents hereof after you read it, you shall stop using the services of Taobao Platform immediately. Your use of the services of Taobao Platform in any way will be deemed as your acceptance of all contents of this Statement. 定义(Definitions)淘宝平台:指包括淘宝网(域名为 taobao.com)、天猫(域名为tmall.com)、一淘网(域名为etao.com)、聚划算(域名为ju.tmall.com、ju.taobao.com)、闲鱼(域名为2.taobao.com)、飞猪(域名为fliggy.com、alitrip.com、feizhu.com)、阿里妈妈(域名为alimama.com)等网站及客户端。 淘宝:淘宝平台运营者的单称或合称,包括淘宝网、一淘网、闲鱼的运营者浙江淘宝网络有限公司,天猫、聚划算的运营者浙江天猫网络有限公司,飞猪的运营者杭州淘美航空效劳有限公司,阿里妈妈的运营者杭州阿里科技有限公司等。 阿里平台:指包括淘宝平台、阿里巴巴中文站(域名为1688.com)、阿里巴巴国际站(域名为alibaba.com)、天猫国际(域名为tmall.hk)、飞猪国际(域名为alitrip.hk、fliggy.hk)、阿里云(域名为aliyun.com)、速卖通(域名为aliexpress.com)、虾米(域名为xiami.com)、云OS(域名为yunos.com)、点点虫(域名为ddchong.com)、菜鸟(域名为cainiao.com)、神马搜索(域名为sm.cn)、良知大药房网(maiyao.liangxinyao.com)等网站及客户端。 关联公司:指阿里平台的运营者及其他与淘宝存在关联关系的公司的单称或合称。Taobao Platform: refers to taobao.com, tmall.com, etao.com, ju.tmall.com, ju.taobao.com, 2.taobao.com, fliggy.com, alitrip.com, feizhu.com, alimama.com and other websites and their clients. Taobao: refers to, inpidual or collectively, operators of Taobao Platform, including without limiting to Zhejiang Taobao Network Limited, the operator of taobao.com, etao.com and 2.taobao.com, Zhejiang Tmall Network Co., Ltd., the operator of tmall.com, ju.tmall.com and ju.taobao.com, Hangzhou Taomei Aviation Services Co., Ltd., the operator of fliggy.com, alitrip.com and feizhu.com, and Hangzhou Ali Technology Co., Ltd., the operator of alimama.com. Ali Platform: refers to Taobao Platform, 1688.com, alibaba.com, tmall.hk, alitrip.hk, fliggy.hk, aliyun.com, aliexpress.com, xiami.com, yunos.com, ddchong.com, cainiao.com, sm.cn, maiyao.liangxinyao.com and other websites and their clients. Affiliate: refers to, inpidually or collectively, operators of Ali Platform and other companies associated with Taobao. 法律声明(Legal Statement) 权益归属(Ownership of Rights) 除非淘宝另行声明,淘宝平台内的一切产品、技术、软件、程序、数据及其他信息(包括但不限于文字、图像、图片、照片、音频、视频、图表、颜色、版面设计、电子文档)的一切权益(包括但不限于版权、商标权、专利权、商业机密及其他一切相关权益)均归淘宝或其关联公司一切。未经淘宝答应,任何人不得擅自运用(包括但不限于经过任何机器人、蜘蛛等程序或设备监视、复制、传播、展现、镜像、上载、下载)淘宝平台内的任何内容。淘宝平台的Logo、“淘宝”、“Taobao”等文字、图形及其组合,以及淘宝平台的其他标识、徽记、产品和效劳称号均为淘宝及其关联公司在中国和其它国度的商标,未经淘宝书面受权,任何人不得以任何方式展现、运用或作其他处置,也不得向别人标明您有权展现、运用或作其他处置。Unless otherwise stated by Taobao, all rights (including but not limited to copyright, trademark right, patent right, trade secret and any other related rights) in, of and to all products, technologies, software, programs, data and other information (including but not limited to texts, images, pictures, photos, audios, videos, charts, colors, layout and electronic file) within Taobao Platform are vested in Taobao or its Affiliates. Without the consent of Taobao, it is not permitted to use (including but not limited to monitor, reproduce, distribute, display, mirror, upload and download via web robots, web spiders or other software or equipment) the said information.Logo of Taobao Platform, “淘宝”, “Taobao”, other texts, graphics and combination thereof as well as other marks, symbols, product names and service names within Taobao Platform are all trademarks of Taobao and its Affiliates in China and other countries. Without the written authorization of Taobao, no one may display, use or otherwise process any of the said trademarks in any way or indicate to others that he/she/it has the right to display, use or otherwise process any of the said trademarks. 义务限制(Limitation on Liability) 鉴于淘宝平台提供的效劳属于电子公告牌(BBS)性质,淘宝平台上的店铺、商品信息(包括但不限于店铺称号、公司称号、 联络人及联络信息、产品的描绘和阐明、相关图片、视频等)均由会员自行提供并上传,由会员对其提供并上传的一切信息承当相应法律义务。 淘宝平台转载作品(包括论坛内容)出于传送更多信息之目的,并不意味淘宝赞同其观念或曾经证明其内容的真实性。Whereas the services provided by Taobao Platform are of the nature of bulletin board system (BBS), all information on shops and commodities on Taobao Platform (including but not limited to names of shops, names of companies, liaisons and contact information, product description and specification, pictures and videos) are provided and uploaded by members, who shall assume corresponding legal responsibility for the said information. Taobao Platform posts works (including contents on forums) for the purpose of distributing information, which does not mean that Taobao agrees with the viewpoints in the works or has confirmed the authenticity of the contents of the works. 学问产权维护(Protection of Intellectual Property Rights) 淘宝尊重学问产权,反对侵权盗版行为。学问产权权益人以为淘宝平台内容(包括但不限于淘宝平台会员发布的商品信息)可能涉嫌进犯其合法权益,能够经过淘宝学问产权维护平台(qinquan.taobao.com)提出书面通知,淘宝收到后将及时处置。Taobao respects intellectual property rights and opposes any act of infringement or pirating. If a holder of intellectual property rights believes that any content on Taobao Platform (including but not limited to commodity information published by any member of Taobao Platform) may infringe any of his/her/its legitimate rights and interests, he/she/it may send a written notice through Taobao’s intellectual property rights protection platform (qinquan.taobao.com). After receiving the notice, Taobao will deal with such issue in time. 隐私权政策(Privacy Right Policy) 淘宝(下称“我们”)尊重并维护用户隐私,在您运用淘宝平台提供的效劳时,我们将依照本隐私权政策搜集、运用及共享您的个人信息。本隐私权政策包含了我们搜集、存储、运用、共享和维护您的个人信息的条款,我们希望经过本隐私权政策向您明晰地引见我们对您个人信息的处置方式,因而我们倡议您完好地阅读本隐私权政策,以协助您理解维护本人隐私权的方式。假如您不同意本隐私权政策任何内容,您应立刻中止运用淘宝平台效劳。当您运用淘宝平台提供的任一效劳时,即表示您已同意我们依照本隐私权政策来合法运用和维护您的个人信息。Taobao (hereinafter referred to as “we”) respects and protects the privacy of the users. When you use the services of Taobao Platform, we will collect, use and share your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Right Policy. This Privacy Right Policy contains terms and conditions on how we collect, store, use, share and protect your personal information. Through this Privacy Right Policy, we wish to clearly introduce to you how we deal with your personal information. Therefore, we advise you to read this Privacy Right Policy completely to understand the means of protecting your privacy right.If you do not agree to any contents of this Privacy Right Policy, you shall stop using the services of Taobao Platform immediately. Your use of the services provided by Taobao Platform in any way will be deemed as your agreement that we may legally use and protect your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Right Policy. 适用范围(Scope of Application)为用户提供更好、更优、更个性化的效劳是淘宝持之以恒的追求,也希望经过我们提供的效劳能够更便当您的生活。本隐私权政策适用于淘宝平台提供的一切效劳,您访问淘宝平台及未设独立隐私权政策的关联公司网站及/或登陆相关客户端运用淘宝平台提供的效劳,均适用本隐私权政策。需求特别阐明的是,本隐私权政策不适用于其他第三方向您提供的效劳,例如淘宝上的卖家依托淘宝平台向您提供效劳时,您向卖家提供的个人信息不适用于本隐私权政策。To provide the users with better, higher-quality, more personalized services is our persistent pursuit. We also wish to provide more conveniences to your life through our services. This Privacy Right Policy is applicable to all services provided by Taobao Platform. When you visit Taobao Platform and any website of any Affiliate without an independent privacy right policy and/or log in any client concerned to use the services of Taobao Platform, this Privacy Right Policy will apply.Please note in particular that this Privacy Right Policy is not applicable to any services provided to you by any third party. For example, when any seller on Taobao provides services to you through Taobao Platform, any information provided by you to the seller is not subject to this Privacy Right Policy. 我们搜集哪些信息(What Information We Collect)为了向您提供更好、更优、更个性化的效劳,我们将依据您运用的效劳搜集您的如下信息:1.您向我们提供的信息当您在淘宝平台创立账户时,您必需至少向我们提供会员名、电话号码及/或电子邮箱等信息,并创立密码。您在运用淘宝平台时,需求依据效劳的内容,选择填写及/或提交效劳所必需的信息,可能包括您的姓名、性别、出生年月日、身份证号码、护照姓、护照名、护照号码、电话号码、电子邮箱、地址、支付宝账号及相关附加信息(如您所在的省份和城市、邮政编码等)。假如您不运用某些效劳,则无需提供相关信息。我们还会记载您在运用我们效劳时提供的信息。例如您在淘宝发布的信息、搜索关键词信息、与淘宝客服联络时您提供的相关信息、您参与问卷调查时向我们发送的问卷回答信息等。2.在您运用效劳过程中搜集的信息我们会依据您授予的权限,接纳并记载您所运用的设备相关信息,这些设备信息包括:设备属性信息(如设备型号、操作系统版本、设备设置、独一设备标识符等软硬件特征信息)、设备位置信息(如经过GPS、蓝牙或WIFI信号取得的位置信息)、设备衔接信息(IP地址、阅读器的类型、电信运营商、运用的言语、访问日期和时间及您需求的网页记载等)。关于从您的各种设备上搜集到的信息,我们可能会将它们停止关联,以便我们能在这些设备上为您提供分歧的效劳。此外,为进步您运用淘宝平台提供的效劳的平安性,更精确地预防钓鱼网站狡诈和木马病毒,我们可能依据您的受权,经过理解一些您的网络运用习气、您常用的软件信息等手腕来判别您账户的风险,并可能会记载一些我们以为有风险的URL。3.来自第三方的信息当您与运用我们效劳的关联公司、淘宝协作同伴之间互动时,为共同向您提供效劳及改良效劳质量的合理需求,我们将从关联公司、协作同伴处接纳关于您的体验或您与其互动的信息。为预防狡诈和确保平安,淘宝的关联公司、协作同伴会根据适用的法律法规或征得您同意的前提下,向我们分享您的信息。In order to provide you with better, higher-quality and more personalized services, we will collect the following information from the services used by you:1. Information provided by you to usWhen you create an account on Taobao Platform, you must at least provide us with the member name, phone number and/or email address and other information, and set the password.When you use Taobao Platform, you need to choose to fill out and/or submit the information required for the services according to the content of the services, which may include your name, sex, date of birth, ID number, surname and given name on your passport, passport number, telephone number, email, address, Alipay account number and additional information (such as the province and city you are in, postal code, etc.). If you do not use certain services, you are not required to provide relevant information.We will also record the information provided by you when you use our services, including the information published by you on Taobao, information of search keywords, relevant information provided by you during your communication with Taobao customer service, and information of answers sent to us regarding any questionnaire, etc.2. Information collected by us when you use the servicesWith the authorization granted by you, we will receive and record relevant information of the devices used by you, including:Properties of devices (e.g., device model, operating system version, device configuration, unique device identifier and other software and hardware features), location of devices (e.g., the device location obtained via GPS, Bluetooth or WiFi), device connection information (IP address, type of browser, telecommunication service provider, language, date and time of visit, and record of websites of your interest, etc.).Regarding the information collected from your various devices, we may integrate them so as to provide you with consistent services on these devices.In addition, in order to improve safety when you use the services of Taobao Platform and prevent fraud by any phishing website and Trojan virus more accurately, with your authorization, we may judge the risk of your account by knowing your Internet use habit and information of software commonly used by you and other means, and may record some URLs which we deem as risky.3. Information from any third partyWhen you interact with the Affiliates and partners of Taobao that use our services, we will receive information about your experience or your interactions with them from such Affiliates and partners that is reasonably necessary for the purpose of jointly providing you with services and improving service quality.To prevent fraud and ensure security, the Affiliates and partners of Taobao will share your personal information with us pursuant to applicable laws or subject to your consent. 我们如何运用搜集到的信息(How We Use the Collected Information)搜集您的信息是为了向您提供效劳及提升效劳质量,为了完成这一目的,我们会把您的信息用于下列用处:1.向您提供您运用的各项效劳,并维护、改良这些效劳。2.向您引荐您可能感兴味的内容,包括但不限于向您发出产品和效劳信息,或经过系统向您展现个性化的第三方推行信息,或者在征得您同意的状况下与淘宝的协作同伴共享信息以便他们向您发送有关其产品和效劳的信息。如您不希望接纳上述信息,可经过相应的退订功用停止退订。3.我们可能运用您的个人信息以预防、发现、调查狡诈、危害平安、非法或违背与我们或其关联方协议、政策或规则的行为,以维护您、我们的其他用户、我们或我们关联方的合法权益。4.我们可能会未来自某项效劳的信息与来自其他效劳的信息分离起来,以便为您提供效劳、个性化内容和倡议。5.经您答应的其他用处。We collect your information for the purpose of providing you with services and improving the service quality. Therefore, we will use your information for the following purposes:1. Provide you with various services you are using, and maintain and improve these services;2. Recommend to you any contents which you may be interested in, including but not limited to send product and service information to you, or display personalized third-party promotional information to you through the system, or, subject to your consent, share information with the partners of Taobao so that they may send information about their products and services to you. If you would like to stop receiving these information, you may unsubscribe by using the relevant unsubscription function;3. We may use your personal information to prevent, identify and investigate into fraud, any act endangering security, illegal activity, or any other act which violates any agreement, policy or rule with or of us or any of our Affiliates so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of you, any of our other users, us or any of our Affiliates;4. We may combine your personal information obtained from a kind of service with information from any other kind of service so as to provide you with services, personalized content and advice;5. Any other purpose as permitted by you. 您如何管理本人的信息(How to Manage Your Own Information)我们提供了便利的办法,让您能够查询、更正及删除本人的账户信息等运用我们效劳时您提供的个人信息。例如您能够登录“我的淘宝”、淘宝网效劳中心等查询、修正本人的个人材料、隐私设置、平安设置,删除您的收货地址、买卖订单等信息或注销您的淘宝账户。假如您以为淘宝存在违背法律、行政法规的规则或者与您的商定搜集、运用您个人信息的,您能够经过淘宝客服与我们获得联络。We provide you with convenient ways to check, change and delete your account information and other personal information provided by you when using our services. For example, you may log in to “My Taobao” and Taobao.com service center to check and change your personal data, privacy settings, security settings, and delete your delivery address, transaction order and other information or delete your Taobao account.If you believe that Taobao collects and uses your personal information in violation of laws, administrative regulations or the agreement with you, you may contact Taobao customer service. 您共享的信息(Information Shared by You)您能够经过我们的效劳树立联络和互相分享。当您经过我们的效劳创立交流、买卖或分享时,您能够自主选择沟通、买卖或分享的对象,作为可以看到您的买卖内容、联络方式、交流信息或分享内容等相关信息的第三方。在运用淘宝平台效劳停止网上买卖时,您不可防止的要向买卖对方或潜在的买卖对方披露本人的个人信息,如联络方式或者邮政地址。请您妥善维护本人的个人信息,仅在必要的情形下向别人提供。如您发现本人的个人信息泄密,特别是您的账户或密码发作泄露,请您立刻联络淘宝客服,以便淘宝采取相应措施。公开信息是指您公开分享的任何信息。任何人都能够在运用和未运用淘宝 期间查看或访问这些信息。例如当您在淘宝平台停止买卖,不选择“匿名购置”和/或“匿名评价”功用时,意味着您将公开分享您的成交价、成交信息及评价详情等数据。为运用淘宝效劳,可能存在您必需公开分享的信息。例如为构建诚信买卖环境,您的信誉评价信息(心、钻石、皇冠)需求被公开分享。若您是卖家,您应当依据适用的法律法规和淘宝规则的请求,公开分享企业称号等相关工商注册信息或者自然人运营者的信息。请留意,您在运用我们效劳时自愿共享的信息,可能会触及您或别人的个人信息以至个人敏感信息,如您在评价时选择上传包含个人信息的图片。请您愈加慎重地思索,能否在运用我们的效劳时共享以至公开分享相关信息。You may build connections and realize mutual sharing through our services. When you initiate communications, transactions or sharing through our services, you may choose at your own discretion the targets to communicate, deal and share with to become the third parties who will be able to view your transactions, contacts, communication information, contents shared or other relevant information.When you conduct online transactions through the services of Taobao Platform, it is inevitable that you need to disclose your personal information to the counterparty or potential counterparty, such as contacts or postal address. Please properly protect your personal information and provide it to others only when necessary. If you find that your personal information, especially your account or password, is pulged, please immediately contact Taobao customer service so that Taobao may take corresponding measures.Public information means any information shared by you in public. Anyone may view or access such information when he/she is using or not using Taobao. For example, if you do not choose “Anonymous Purchase” and/or “Anonymous Comment” when conducting transactions on Taobao Platform, you will share your transaction price, transaction information, comment details and other data in public.To use Taobao services, you may be required to share certain information in public. For example, in order to create an honest transaction environment, your credit rating information (hearts, diamonds and crowns) will be displayed in public. If you are a seller, you should share your corporate name and other relevant information about registration with the administration for industry and commerce or the information on inpidual business operator in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and Taobao rules.Please note that the information voluntarily shared by you when using our services may involve the personal information and even sensitive personal information of you or others, e.g., photos containing personal information uploaded by you when making comments. Please consider more prudently before sharing and even making public relevant information when using our services. 我们如何共享信息(How We Share Information)我们对您的信息承当失密义务,不会出于第三方的营销目的而向其出卖或提供您的任何信息,除下列情形外,我们不会与任何其他第三方共享您的个人信息:1.事前取得受权。取得您的受权后,我们会与其他公司、组织和个人分享您的个人信息。只要您明白同意,我们才会共享您的身份证号、护照号、银行卡号、个人安康信息等个人敏感信息。2.向淘宝的关联公司分享您的个人信息。我们只会共享必要的个人信息,且受本隐私政策中所声明目的的约束。3.出于法律缘由。为恪守适用的法律法规、诉讼目的或者行政机关、司法机构依法提出的请求,我们可能有必要披露您的个人信息。假如我们肯定您呈现违背适用的法律法规或淘宝规则或相关协议的状况,或为维护淘宝及其关联公司或用户或公众的权益、财富或平安免遭损伤,我们也可能披露关于您的信息,包括相关违规行为以及淘宝已对您采取的措施。4.用于外部处置。为完成本隐私权政策中声明的目的,我们可能让可信任的协作同伴作为数据处置者,依据我们的指示并遵照我们的隐私权政策以及其他任何相应的失密和平安措施来为我们处置您的个人信息。5.辅佐处理争议。某些状况下只要共享您的信息,才干处置您与别人的纠葛或争议。例如您是适格的学问产权投诉人并已提起投诉,我们可能应被投诉人请求,向被投诉人披露,以便双方处置可能的权益纠葛;您在淘宝上创立的某一买卖中,如买卖任何一方实行或局部实行了买卖义务并提出信息披露恳求的,淘宝会视状况向该用户提供其买卖对方的联络方式等必要信息,以促成纠葛的处理。We are obliged to keep your personal information confidential and will not sell or provide any of your personal information to any third party for the purpose of marketing by such third party. We will not share your personal information with any other third party unless:1. With your prior authorization. Subject to your authorization, we will share your personal information with other companies, organizations and inpiduals. Unless with your express consent, we will not share your ID number, passport number, bank card number, personal health information or other sensitive personal information;2. Sharing your personal information with Taobao’s Affiliates. We will share personal information to the extent necessary and for the purposes stated in this Privacy Right Policy only;3. As required by laws. We may be required to disclose your personal information in order to comply with applicable laws, regulations or requirements made by the administrative or judicial bodies in accordance with laws or for the purpose of litigation. If we determine that you have violated applicable laws, regulations, Taobao rules or relevant agreements, or we intend to protect Taobao, its Affiliates or users or the general public from damages to their rights, properties or safety, we may also disclose your information, including the relevant violation and measures taken by Taobao against you;4. For external processing. To achieve the purposes stated in this Privacy Right Policy, we may engage reliable partners as data processors to process your personal information for us based on our instructions and in compliance with this Privacy Right Policy and any other corresponding confidentiality and security measures;5. For assisting with dispute resolution. In certain circumstances, only through sharing your information can we settle your dispute or controversy with others. For example, if you are a qualified claimant of intellectual property rights who has filed a claim, we may disclose your personal information to the respondent at his/her/its request so as to solve the potential dispute between the parties, and with respect to a transaction initiated by you in Taobao, if either party to the transaction performs all or part of his/her/its obligations and requires disclosure of information, Taobao will provide the party with the contact information of the counterparty and other necessary information depending on the circumstance so as to facilitate resolution of dispute. Cookie和相似技术的运用(Use of Cookie and Similar Technologies)为使您取得更轻松的访问体验,您访问淘宝平台相关网站或运用淘宝平台提供的效劳时,我们可能会经过采用各种技术搜集和存储相关信息,包括运用小型数据文件辨认您的身份,这么做是为理解您的运用习气,帮您省去反复输入注册信息的步骤,或者协助判别您的账户平安。这些数据文件可能是Cookie、Flash Cookie,或您的阅读器或关联应用程序提供的其他本地存储(统称“Cookie”)。请您了解,我们的某些效劳只能经过运用Cookie才可得到完成。假如您的阅读器或阅读器附加效劳允许,您能够修正对Cookie的承受水平或者回绝淘宝的Cookie,但回绝淘宝的Cookie在某些状况下可能会影响您平安访问淘宝平台相关网站和运用淘宝平台提供的效劳。网页上常会包含一些电子图像,称为“单像素 GIF 文件”或“网络 beacon”,它能够协助网站计算阅读网页的用户或访问某些cookie。我们会经过网络beacon搜集您阅读网页活动信息,例如您访问的页面地址、您先前访问的征引页面的位址、您停留在页面的时间、您的阅读环境以及显现设定等。To provide you with better user experience, when you visit relevant websites of Taobao Platform or use the services provided by Taobao Platform, we may collect and store relevant information by employing various technologies, including verifying your identity through small data files. In this way, we will be able to understand your habits and help you avoid repeated input of registration information or assess the security of your account. These data files may be Cookie, Flash Cookie or other local storage provided by your browser or affiliated applications (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Cookie”).Please understand that some of our services are only available through use of “Cookie”. If permitted by your browser or additional browser services, you may amend your acceptance level to Cookie or reject Cookie of Taobao, but such rejection may affect your visit of related websites of Taobao Platform or use of the services of Taobao Platform under certain circumstances.There are often some electronic images (“Single Pixel GIF” or “Web Beacon") on web pages. Web Beacon may help a website to calculate the number of users who browse the web pages or access certain cookies. We will use Web Beacon to collect information on your browsing of web pages, such as the web page address you are visiting, the reference page address you previously visited, the duration of your stay on a web page, your browsing environment and display settings. 我们如何存留信息(How We Store Information)淘宝搜集的有关您的信息和材料将保管在淘宝及(或)其关联公司的效劳器上,这些信息和材料可能传送至您所在国度、地域或淘宝搜集信息和材料所在地并在该地被访问、存储和展现。我们将在完成本隐私政策中所述目的所必需的期间内保存你的个人信息,除非法律请求或允许在更长的期间内保存这些信息。Your personal information and data collected by Taobao will be stored in the servers of Taobao and/or its Affiliates, which may be transmitted to the country or region where you are located or the place where Taobao collects such information and data, and be accessed, stored and displayed at such place.We will retain your personal information for a period necessary for achieving the purposes stated in this Privacy Right Policy, unless it is required or allowed by laws to retain such information for a longer period. 您的个人信息维护(Protection of Your Personal Information)淘宝十分注重您的个人信息平安。我们努力采取各种合理的物理、电子和管理方面的平安措施来维护您的个人信息,并尽最大合理努力使您的个人信息不会被走漏、毁损或者丧失,包括但不限于SSL、信息加密存储、数据中心的访问控制。我们对可能接触到您个人信息的员工或外包人员也采取了严厉管理,包括但不限于采取信息访问权限控制、与接触个人信息的人员签署失密协议、监控该等人员的操作状况等措施。淘宝账户信息(包括账号名及密码信息)为十分重要的个人信息,请您妥善设置、保管您的淘宝账号名及密码信息。淘宝将经过备份、对密码停止加密等平安措施以维护您的账户信息等个人信息不丧失、不被滥用和变造。虽然有前述平安措施,但同时也请您了解在信息网络上不存在“完善的平安措施”。请留意,单独的设备信息、搜索关键词信息等是无法与任何特定个人直接树立联络的数据,不属于个人信息。假如我们将这类非个人信息与其他信息分离用于辨认自然人个人身份,或者将其与个人信息分离运用,则在分离运用期间,此类非个人信息将被视为个人信息。Taobao attaches great importance to the security of your personal information. We will take a variety of physical, electronic and management measures that are reasonable to protect your personal information, and make our best reasonable efforts to prevent your personal information from being pulged, damaged or lost, including but not limited to SSL, encrypted information storage and access control for the data center. We also strictly manage the employees or contractors who may have access to your personal information, including but not limited to information access control, execution of confidentiality agreements with them, and monitoring of their operation.Taobao account information (including account name and password) are very important personal information. Please properly set and keep your Taobao account name and password. Taobao will take security measures such as backup and encryption of passwords to guarantee that your account information and other personal information will not be lost, misused or altered. Notwithstanding the said security measures, you are reminded that there are no “perfect security measures” in the information network.Please note that certain information such as information of devices only and information of search keywords are data that cannot be directly associated with any particular inpidual, and thus does not fall into personal information. If we combine such non-personal information with other information for the purpose of identifying inpiduals or use it in combination with personal information, then, such non-personal information shall be deemed as personal information during the period of such combined use. 未成年人维护(Protection of Minors)我们注重未成年人的个人信息维护,如您为未成年人,倡议您请您的监护人认真阅读本隐私权政策,并在征得您的监护人同意的前提下运用我们的效劳或向我们提供信息。We attach importance to the protection of personal information of minors. If you are a minor, we suggest that you ask your guardian to read this Privacy Right Policy carefully, and you may use our services and/or provide us with information subject to the consent of your guardian. 本政策的修订(Amendment to This Privacy Right Policy)我们可不定期修正本《法律声明及隐私权政策》,变卦后的《法律声明及隐私权政策》将在修订生效前经过淘宝平台公告或以其他恰当方式通知您。该等状况下,若您继续运用我们的效劳,即表示同意受经修订的《法律声明及隐私权政策》的约束。We may amend this Legal Statement and Privacy Right Policy from time to time and will publish the amended Legal Statement and Privacy Right Policy on Taobao Platform or otherwise notify you before such amendment takes effect. In such case, if you continue to use our services, it shall be deemed that you have agreed to be bound by the amended Legal Statement and Privacy Right Policy.